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Joe Bleasdale

Frequent flier miles are actually a virtual currency

Frequent flier miles are actually a virtual currency 1706 2560 Joe Bleasdale

Frequent flier miles, one of the greatest loyalty myths of all time. Everybody thinks miles and points are about loyalty and there’s an element of loyalty, but there is more…

Whats the point of concierge?

Whats the point of concierge? 2560 1438 Joe Bleasdale

Well, the point is simple really… do you want the hassle of doing all the research every time you take a flight, wondering how to spend the points properly? Are…

Are you getting a good deal?

Are you getting a good deal? 2560 1920 Joe Bleasdale

One of the thing’s i’ve been doing during my flying career is trying to work out the on the fly value of my points. It’s not the simplest thing to…

Why am I doing this?

Why am I doing this? 1440 2560 Joe Bleasdale

First post ever on buymyupgrade’s blog. I suppose it should explain why this site exists in the first place. Over the year’s, i’ve spent many hundreds of hours on planes…

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